The nature of a person on earth at any given moment is determined by the functions of the psyche. The nature of the psyche was designed during the formative years, at a time when the receptive mind was imprinted with patterns from its surroundings. Parents, friends, teachers, siblings, church, and school all played roles in the formation of the adolescent’s mind. Past lives also play a role in the nature of life. Patterns from past lives are stored in the subconscious and become accessible when they are needed. Both the conscious and subconscious mind influence personal choice and thereby, the nature of life. Furthermore, while daily activities follow societal programming, the response to new and unexpected situations is influenced by the subconscious. To Explain, when patterns from familiar experiences cannot provide answers, there is an immediate and involuntary response from the subconscious. The mind takes a back seat, allowing introspection in the moment which allows access to the vast store house of the subconscious. The resulting choice will be based on themes established during the past. For example, Love and Truth would influence a current decision, when it was also chosen in the past. Past lives which were based on fear will influence current situations with facets such as greed, subjugation, or control. The response from introspection will feel instinctive or natural. It would take place without realizing it happened in the moment.
It is important to understand that the nature of the psyche does not negate the power of free will. The direction a person follows is determined by the individual’s choice; therefore a person has the freedom to choose their next steps, regardless of what is held in the conscious or subconscious. Performing daily activities will generally follow patterns in the conscious mind; this is the result of personal choice. In all circumstances (except for some accidents) the freedom to choose a different path will always be an available option. The freedom to choose is available to everyone in each moment. Furthermore that choosing a path of inaction, or a passive response is still a conscious choice. The nature of the person being demonstrated in the moment is a result of past choices. The human condition is a result of personal responsibility. The freedom to change is a choice which is incumbent upon each individual.
Exercising the freedom to choose is the greatest power an individual can wield. It can transcend the mind and the subconscious. It can transcend all that is true or false in the personification of human life. Change is possible by simply choosing a different direction, and making the choice to remain dedicated to this change. Choosing to personify Love and Truth means embracing the true nature of the self. It is being normal. It is a pathway which will create a state of happiness. Love and Truth are facets of the indwelling Spirit and happiness is the natural state of the Spirit.
This feeling of happiness is a compass which points towards the indwelling Spirit. The purpose for being in the physical realm can be fulfilled by using this compass to navigate life.