Part Sixteen: Forgiveness

The phrases “I am sorry, please forgive me” and “I forgive you”, are standard responses in certain situations. In today’s society, uttering such words is considered the resolution to what initially created division. It may be sufficient in that moment, but dynamics of true forgiveness are vastly different and complex.

A dedicated practice of meditation will open the door to a new reality where life will be viewed with different eyes. The mundane everyday reality which follows traditional pathways will be questioned. Life will be redefined based on a new paradigm where the indwelling Spirit becomes the source of guidance. Traditional pathways will be replaced. It is an awakening which will ultimately change the direction of life in the physical realm. 

The gentle, slow, and focused breath while meditating creates a state of calm which energizes life in the moment. Within that moment, the freedom to choose holds the power to define and redefine life. 

The path towards happiness can be a rocky and challenging journey. Each person deals with these challenges in their own ways. When questions arise regarding this journey, there is no specific answer; as each journey is specific to the individual, and each individual will require different answers. Answers hold the power to change the nature of a person. Answers will forge a new and unique human being by personifying hopes and desires. By exercising the freedom to choose, each person orchestrates life as the creator of a unique human being. Responsibility for this person lies with its creator. Karma emerges out of personal responsibility. 

The conscience operates as a link between the mind and the Spirit. Spirit writes on the tablet of the conscience with feeling that can be seen and understood by the mind. The dynamics of dreams are similar, where the minds sees what the Spirit offers. By doing this, an opportunity is being presented to make different choices; ones which would erase the old writing and result in a clear conscience. Such is the nature of ‘forgiveness’. Once employed, it holds the power to create a clear conscience.

In today’s society when someone offends, resulting in a desire to restore the relationship, seeking forgiveness plays a significant role. The desire to seek forgiveness will be based on the state of the offender’s conscience. Phrases such as: “I am sorry, please forgive me” and “I forgive you”, are typically used to restore the relationship. However, these words do not necessarily mean the offender is truly repentant. The truly penitent will first make amends before uttering those words. For example, if someone betrays trust by stealing money, it should be repaid in full, with interest, before attempting to seek forgiveness. Additionally, the truly penitent would make life changes to ensure the offence would not be repeated. In circumstances which involve bodily injury, infidelity or death, where avenues for recompense is rarely possible (or even impossible), the process of forgiveness will transcend this physical life. The state of the conscience will determine whether Karma will emerge out of personal responsibility. Thinking back, the beggar who gave his life by suffering through hunger repaid a Karmic debt. In a past life, he had allowed others to die from hunger. His conscience dictated that he must experience the same in order to understand the true meaning of selfless Love.

In another story, there were two brothers who grew up so close, they would walk the streets arm in arm. Unknowing to the younger brother, the older had the makings of a crook. This was realized when their father crossed over and left an inheritance to be equally shared. Although the younger had no desire for money, honour dictated that their father’s wishes should be followed. However, this was not possible because the older brother had already orchestrated a path where he could steal all the money. The younger brother did not fight the older in court. Instead, he accepted the outcome and tried unsuccessfully to rekindle the brotherly relationship, while believing that he was a victim of circumstance. Meanwhile, the older brother was satisfied with the feeling that he outwitted the rest of the family. Karmic ties can be difficult to understand in the bitter moment of a challenge. If all the actions in a person’s life are underlined by Love and Truth, then existing Karmic conditions would be met and new ones would not be created. In this case, the younger brother’s actions were based on unconditional Love. One can only assume that the older brother chose this life to offer an opportunity to the younger brother to manifest Love and Truth instead of anger and resentment. Perhaps it is also an opportunity of the older brother to re-ignite the capacity to feel remorse and seek forgiveness by returning the stolen money.

Acceptance without any conditions is an expression belonging to the purest form of Love. Accepting the injustice perpetrated upon oneself (consider the younger brother in the previous analogy) or acting out of compassion to help the unfortunate is Loving without expecting anything in return. Here on earth, the human experience is an amazing opportunity where interaction is a mirror reflecting the true nature of a person. Life is not meant to be a bed of roses. The thorns open the door to the true nature of a person. Discord is an opportunity to witness the unfolding of the psyche. It is an opportunity to replace the patterns of the past with unconditional acceptance. It is an opportunity for personal growth.

Life is far more than money, food, sleep or sensual experiences. When this is the framework, it limits potential. People are meant to reach the height of personal greatness by embracing full potential. Consider this; someone who steals money without feeling guilt exists within a limited framework. People are not simply physical entities existing within this limited framework. Experiences are not confined only to physical parameters. Each life is multidimensional, with only a small part of an existential construct experiencing three-dimensional reality here on earth. The challenges faced through human interaction offer the opportunity to experience the limitations of existence and choose a different path which embraces the full potential. Manifesting all facets of the indwelling spirit is the way to embrace full potential. Lastly, the purpose for being here is to embrace the fullness of human potential.

Challenges arise out of the day to day experiences. Instead of analyzing one another to lay blame and engage in comparisons, there is greater benefit in analyzing oneself (one’s own personal psyche) to determine which aspects created the challenge. Forgiveness is not about ceasing resentment towards each other but is instead about accepting the imperfections in life and choosing to move forward. At the same time, it is about choosing to substitute with Love and Truth. Unconditional acceptance of one another means replacing discord with Love and Truth. Life is about developing the nature where Love and Truth is the basis of all interactions. It is the perfect way to dissolve Karma and fulfill the purpose for being here on earth.

In a perfect world, the term ‘forgiveness’ would be intentionally replaced by ‘acceptance’. When the wronged expresses acceptance without any condition or expectation, it is an act of Love. It gives the offender the opportunity to experience remorse and make amends. The wronged does not have power over ‘forgiveness’; only the ability to express acceptance. The true act of seeking forgiveness first comes with remediation followed by intentional behaviour changes. In other words, if the offender if truly penitent, life changes would be made to ensure that the offence will not be repeated. It is seeking forgiveness with affirmative action. When the changes align with the nature of the indwelling Spirit, it is following the purpose for incarnating.