Part Nine: “Follow Me”

What makes a person “tick”? Is it a force from above or an influence from  below? Is it the spark of the sunrise or the intoxicating feeling of Love and Truth? Is it the savoury and saucy flavour of material experiences? What creates excitement when light first shines into the eyes each day? Many will not have an answer to this question. Perhaps the answer lies in the first thought which enters the mind. Some will think about tangibles such family school, work or play. Most however, will innately and sometimes subconsciously search for something or someone to provide joy.

During the course of history, the words “Follow Me” have echoed within inquiring minds. It is a command which conjures images of being led by an older brother or sister, parents, church, government, social norms or even the imagery of the emotional poem “Footprints in the Sand”. 

It is important to realize that society was engineered to create followers. Essentially, people are indoctrinated into accepting, embracing, and following social paradigms. The perpetrators are industry, governments and religion. Self-perpetuation is built into the system, involving many including but not limited to parents and teachers. The purpose is for authority figures to ensure obedience and maintain control. It is a system created by the powerful and intended to benefit the powerful. These ancient pyramidal principles and practices have been purposefully developed, intentionally evolved, as well as and modernized to accommodate current and developing technology and economics. This, for example becomes evident with a closer look at social interaction and relationships in the virtual world of the internet.

This perspective would suggest  at one point in time, Love and Truth were the foundation upon which society was built. In an ideal world, all inhabitants would benefit equally by following agreed upon rules founded upon the precepts of Love and Truth. This is based on choice and autonomy, not control. The mental framework of each individual is by personal choice. Furthermore,  the decision to give away  free will to choose and to accept domination by others is also a choice. 

It is important to be cognizant that agents such as churches, schools, friends, parents, spouses, significant others, industries, governments, just to name a few, all devise methods to dominate the life of others. Thus, it is time to change, to realize what has happened, what still is happening and decide to take action.

Meditation is a tool which can be used to embrace objectivity and tap into the inner source of guidance founded upon the facets of the life-force which are Love and Truth. Choose to listen to the quiet and gentle voice of the life-force appealing to the consciousness to “Follow Me”.