Part Eight: Dreams

What the mind understands as real are illusions derived from the sensory receptors of the physical body, which are interpreted and reflected onto the consciousness. The human response is based on wisdom from experiences, learnt behaviours and conditioning from external sources. True reality however, transcends such illusions. 

Dreams fall into a category closer to true reality. This perspective could confuse the mind because it falls outside the boundaries of traditional thought. The mind will always struggle to stay in the confines of its social, religious and traditional legacy. Denial is the normal reaction. It takes faith in the profound and sometimes inexplicable nature of life to transcend denial and apply objectively to new, different, and non-traditional thought.

Dreams can be viewed as a language used by the life-force to communicate with the conscious mind. Images from personal life experiences are used as symbols. Combined with emotions, these form an alphabet. Life experiences are unique to each person; thus the language of dreams will also be unique. The symbols, when combined with the emotions form an alphabet, therefore offering a message to the dreamer.

Emotions felt in the dream state are real. The life-force transmits the emotions into the mind which creates a reaction in the consciousness. The dreamer will feel fear, love, peace, pain, anger, hunger, amongst other strong emotions. The physical body would respond to the emotions. For example, fear would cause the body to convulse or tremble. If the images are about a physical attack, the body would feel sensations of the struggle such as running away, arguing or fighting back. Upon awakening, the dreamer would not only remember the struggle, but also the feelings associated with the event. The message in the dream offers an objective perspective of a current situation. This gives the dreamer the opportunity to make different choices and navigate life in a different direction, perhaps away from a dangerous situation.

Images, scenarios and emotions offered in dreams will typically be from past experiences. Meditation and contemplation are tools which can be utilized to examine and understand the dream. The message would be found by looking for parallels between the emotions felt in the dream and those felt in current life situations. Dreams which are ignored will reoccur, offering the message from different perspectives. Dreams will become nightmares if important messages continue to be ignored. Once the message is received and acted upon, the dreams will change or cease to occur. 

Languages such as Aramaic or Latin are tools designed for human communication and may seem difficult to learn. One must realize that the language of dreams is also a tool for communicating between the Spirit and the mind and is a natural part of life. Learning to interpret dreams is an art which improves with practice. Confidence will grow once an interpretation is validated. The Dreamers of the world receive dreams as an opportunity to make life changes because of a readiness to look objectively, inside the doorway of mind, at the mechanics of psyche. Henceforth, the landscape of life’s journey will forever change, with the discovery of this facet of life.